Tag Archives: Housing

Housing For Students is a Hot Mess

No matter what neighborhood in Boston you reside in a betting man would say you are locked into at least a year long lease. The average student is going to remain in Boston for roughly nine months and leave one of those months for winter break, thus only living in their own apartment for two thirds of the lease. Every year you see units available on CraigsList, Facebook, blogs, and school boards from students who are not living in their apartments for the summer. This mass subletting every summer conducted by students, some 18 years old, is one highlighted by disorganization, stress and a low success rate.

Why does Boston not consider flexible housing options or other alternatives to the conventional one year lease? With mounting pressure on higher educational institutions to provide housing for their students rather than have them look for apartments, it seems interesting that these institutions have not considered alternatives other than build more dormitories. Better yet, why has a private investor/developer/entrepreneur not capitalized on this problem that effects all parties from students, to schools, to neighborhoods and their residents, to the city as a whole?

Privatized communal housing with security and the whole nine is one alternative. Similar to dormitories, however offered to students at an affordable rate. Rethinking the traditional lease is another option, where landlords specifically target students with leases that last from September to May of every year nullifying any subletting issues that may arise. The landlord would then be able to rent the remaining three months for an inflated rate. Boston can also look at international best practices and find what has worked best and what would fit our market and tweak it to best work for our particular housing environment.

What would you like to see happen surrounding the living situations provided for Boston students? What do you think would be most effective, cost-efficient, and enjoyable? Is the current system and model of housing for young people sufficient? In an ideal world what would you like to see, whether it be high-rises, mini communities of students, or all student housing pushed to greater Boston?



Filed under Fact and Reflection Fridays, Mo' Money Mondays, ONEin3ers in the World, Where You Live-Housing & Neighborhood Nights

A Spring Friday and a Boston Housing Survey…can it get better than this?

Hello ONEin3 community.  Today is Friday and what is more fun on a Friday than surveys?

I know what you are thinking, “Kendall the intern, you are crazy because surveys aren’t even a little bit fun.” But you are WRONG my fabulous ONEin3ers…surveys are fun when they involve housing.

For example:

Are You…

Frustrated with your housing situation, living in your neighborhood, or your town/city

Loving your housing situation, neighborhood, and/or your town/city?

Looking to play an important role in shaping Boston’s future? (let’s be honest, who isn’t?)

If you answered “hell yes” or just a simple “yup” to any of these questions, we would love your input.

With your help, ONEin3 Mayor’s Advisory council will be able to communicate your needs, wants, and frustrations to the business, community, and political leaders that will be the ones shaping policy and developing real estate.

Pretty sweet…right?

So fabulous ONEin3ers…please take a moment to complete our survey:


Think this is totally awesome but don’t live in Boston? IT DOESN’T MATTER!!!!  Take it anyway…we’d love your input just as much as Boston residents.

Okay that is it ONEin3ers but before you go please pass this along to anyone and everyone so they can take this amazing survey.

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Filed under All types of Resources, Where You Live-Housing & Neighborhood Nights

SAVE the Date
Great Neighborhoods Summit

Hello ONEin3ers what are you doing June 10, 2010 from 9:00 am to noon?

Whatever it is, it is probably half as cool as receiving a free breakfast (best meal of the day) kicking off the new Great Neighborhoods program.

What is the Great Neighborhoods program, you ask?  It is a program that will help residents create communities that are affordable, diverse, walkable, and have a high quality of life.

Another question…

We all want vibrant, healthy neighborhoods with a transportation system that gets us where we want to go, a choice of homes we can afford, services we need and recreation we want, and a place where our opinions are heard.  There are examples of these “great neighborhoods” in metropolitan Boston – but how can we create more of them?

Don’t know that answer? You probably should think about going to this fabulous event.

Not convinced yet?

At this spectacular event there will a panel of people who have helped communities create great neighborhoods across the country.  For the rest of the morning there will be a  discussion of ways that you (yes YOU!) can help create “great neighborhoods” and shape the Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance’s innovative new Great Neighborhoods program.

LEARN how other cities and towns broadened opportunities for local residents.

LISTEN for lessons that metro Boston should adopt.

SHARE your ideas in discussions with our panelists and Smart Growth Alliance members.

Learn, listen and share?….pretty awesome!!!!!!!!

Complimentary breakfast (in case you didn’t believe me the first time that does mean FREE FOOD that you would typically eat in the morning hours) and sign-in starts at 8:30am
 Wentworth Institute of Technology – Watson Hall
550 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115

To learn more and to register, visit:


For questions, contact Tracy Hudak at thudak[at]mapc.org or 617-451-2770, extension 2018

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Filed under Fun Thursdays